Half Size PICMG 1.0 Embedded CPU Board
Portwell ROBO-616 Half Size PICMG 1.0 Embeddded CPU Board With PCI Bus | VGA/LAN/ Audio Pentium III, Celeron processor
■ Support Intel® Pentium III or Celeron® ROBO-616
processor with PSB up to 133MHz
■ Supports PC133/100 SDRAM memory
up to 512MB
■ Support two enhanced IDE with Ultra DMA/
33/66/100 mode transfer and bus master
■ Intel®82815 GMCH integrated graphics
controller with 4MB memory
■ On-board 10/100 Base-TX Ethernet
■ Hardware monitoring for CPU, system
temperature, operating voltage and fan status
■ Watchdog timer support 255 intervals from
0.5 sec./min. to 254.5 sec./min. by software
●● Can be installed in PNC-5063 (Please refer to
Portwell's Chassis Products)