ROBO-8713BVG2 | Embedded Cpu Boards
  • ROBO-8713BVG2 | Embedded Cpu Boards


Portwell ROBO-8713BVG2 Intel Core 2 Duo processor based PICMG 1.0 Embedded CPU Board | with DDR SDRAM, VGA, Dual Gigabit Ethernet, USB


Extreme cost / performance PICMG 1.0 single 

 board computer that support LGA 775 processor 

 with dual Gigabit Ethernet controller

Verities I/O interface that includes dual IDE 

 channel, dual SATA port, single FDD channel, 

 dual serial and single parallel port

Over-clocking extended the board supports 2nd 

 generation, lower power consumption / thermal 

 profile Core 2 Duo processor

Integrated Intel® Extreme Graphics 2 graphics 

 engine that offers adequate display quality via 

 VGA interface

Single side design (standard model without ISA 

 support) enhance reliability of production and 

 simplify its process at the same time

Eight plug-and-play USB 2.0 ports allows 

 enriched expansion of the system that build 

 upon the board
